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  Policy and Procedure

    Course transfer Procedure
    (To be completed within 4 weeks after application)

    1. Student, Staff in-charge of the class
    The staff in-charge of the class to provide student with the course transfer application form and ensure that the form is completed with necessary information. (only for Year 1-2 full time students, Year 1-3 part time students)

    2. Academic Office
    Academic office to review student’s completed subjects and results and verify whether the application for transfer fulfills the course transfer requirements.

    3. Registry Office
    If the student applying for course transfer is also studying a bachelor degree course from a joint university, the Registry Office will notify the joint university that the student renounces the student’s joint university status.

    4. Finance Dept
    To provide the cost differential information between the courses.

    5. Academic Office
    To inform student on the application process and fee involved.

    6. Registry Office, Staff in-charge of the class
    Student will need to sign a new PEI-Student contract and pay the cost differential; to update student’s record.

    7. Finance Dept
    Update new fee details and information in insurance company.

    Note: This policy is not applicable for student’s pass holder

    Withdrawal Procedure
    (To be completed within 7 working days of application)

    1. Student
    The counter staff to provide student with the withdrawal application form and ensure that the form is completed with necessary information

    2. Academic Office
    Assess and determine the type of withdrawal
    Immediate withdrawal one of the following – failed to commence class as per scheduled fate; class was terminated prior the commencement date; failed to complete the full course within the stipulated schedule; or student failed in the application of student pass. New-student withdrawal – withdrawal during the 7 days cooling-off period; withdrawal prior course commencement; withdrawal within 30days of course commencement; withdrawal after 30 days of course commencement Other withdrawal cases: Drop-outs; expelled, etc.

    3. Finance Dept
    Assess tuition situation, if refund is applicable, process according to the refund policy.

    4. Principal
    Approval by the Principal

    5. Finance Dept
    Inform insurance company, and file application

    6. Staff
    Inform the student, process the withdrawal and update the system
    Registered in AD Registrar to file / to cancel student pass (for international students)

    Payment and Refund Policy

    1. Fees payment
    1.1 Payment and Refund
    We are committed to the accuracy of charging our Students. Please refer to the below clause “Our refund policy” about the refund policy.

    1.2 The exact amount of course fees and miscellaneous fees, the payment terms, refund policy and transfer / withdrawal policy relating to the course will be clearly specified in the Standard Student Contract & College’s Rule & Regulation.

    1.3 The course fees are apportioned as set out in the Standard Student
    Contract and it should be payable accordingly installment schedule dates set out therein. The college reserves the rights to demand the student for immediate termination till the payment of fees including late payment are paid.
    If no payment for the prescribed fee was received after one month from the grace period, the student will automatically considered as drop out from the college.

    1.4 All fees should be paid in Singapore dollar. Acceptable modes of payment include cash, cheques, GIRO, bank transfer and Nets.

    1.5 Receipt would be issued to all payments.

    2. Our refund policy




    Refund for Withdrawal Due toNon-Delivery of Course:
    The PEI will notify the Student within three (3) working days upon knowledge of any of the following:

    1. It does not commence the Course on the Course Commencement Date;
    2. It terminates the Course before the Course Commencement Date;
    3. It does not complete the Course by the Course Completion Date;
    4. It terminates the Course before the Course Completion Date;
    5. It has not ensured that the Student meets the course entry or matriculation requirement as set by the organisation stated in Schedule A (refer student contract) within any stipulated timeline set by CPE; or
    6. The Student’s Pass application is rejected by Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).

    The Student should be informed in writing of alternative study arrangements (if any), and also be entitled to a refund of the entire Course Fees and Miscellaneous Fees already paid should the Student decide to withdraw, within seven (7) working days of the above notice.


    Refund for Withdrawal Due to Other Reasons:
    If the Student withdraws from the Course for any reason other than those stated in Clause 2.1, the PEI will, within seven (7) working days of receiving the Student’s written notice of withdrawal, refund to the Student an amount based on the table in Schedule D.


    Refund During Cooling-Off Period:
    The PEI will provide the Student with a cooling-off period of seven (7) working days after the date that the Contract has been signed by both parties.
    The Student will be refunded the highest percentage(stated in Schedule D)of the fees already paid if the Student submits a written notice of withdrawal to the PEI within the cooling-off period, regardless of whether the Student has started the course or not.


    PEI-Student Contract, schedule D, The number of days is according to the calendar dates (inclusive Sundays and Public holidays)

    % of [the aggregate amount of the fees paid under Clause 1.11 and 1.12]

    If Student’s written notice of withdrawal is received


    before the Course Commencement Date

    [50] after, but not more than [30] days after the Course Commencement Date


    more than [30] days after the Course Commencement Date

    2.4 Enrollment fee for all courses is not refundable
      This refund policy is effective from 19 May 2014
    Refund Policy Procedures

    College staff need to let the student understand the calculation of refund amount when student fills in the “Application Form for Refund” with signature.

    Verify by staff with signature before submit to Finance department.

    Finance staff print out the receipt and verify the form with the refund policy below before submit to Finance manager.

    Refund 1
    Refer to student contract refund policy part 2.1

    Refund 2 (New Student Request for Refund)
    Refer to student contract refund policy part 2.2 and schedule D

    Refund 3
    Refer to student contract refund policy part 2.3

    Refund 4

    1. It does not commence the Course on the Course Commencement Date;

    2. It terminates the Course before the Course Commencement Date;

    3. It does not complete the Course by the Course Completion Date;

    4. It terminates the Course before the Course Completion Date;

    5. It has not ensured that the Student meets the course entry or matriculation requirement as set by the organisation stated in Schedule A within any stipulated timeline set by CPE; or

    6. The Student’s Pass application is rejected by Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).

    Period of Refund Application:
    1. Before course commencement date: 100% Refund.
    2. Within 30 days from the Course commencement date: 50% Refund.
    3. After 30 days from the Course commencement date:No Refund.


    Note: The above “Refund” does not include course book fee

    Period of Refund Application:

    Within 7 working days cooling-off period: 100% Refund.

    Cooling-off period starts upon signing of student contract by both parties.

    Note: The above “Refund” does not include course book fee

    Other than
    Refund 1 to 3

    Refund within 7 working days from date of receiving the written application.

    Finance Manager will verify based on the above Refund Policy with signature

    Submit to the Principal for approval

    Finance staff proceed payment by bank transfer, cheque or cash and record the payment mode and refund amount in “Refund Record” field

    Inform Student to collect by hand

    Student fills in bank details in “Bank-in on behalf” field

    Staff has to ensure the student acknowledge:

    1. on the payment voucher for cheque or
    2. cash collection.

    Finance manager will key in the payment information via bank website (such as the payee’s bank name, account name/number, amount, etc) and refund description in the reference field for the payee to check in their bank statement.

    Finance staff has to ensure the refund records are complete by filing the refund documents with a list of refund records.

    Deferment Application Procedure
    (A reply will be given within 21 days upon receipt of the application)

    1. Student
    Request for and fill in a Deferment application form, submit to staff in-charge of the class along with the Deferment Fee.

    2. Academic Office
    Remind the student to read the details on the Deferment application form and inform him or her that a reply will be given within 21 days. Verify the student’s subject results for the current semester and subjects completed after receiving the application.

    3. Academic Office / Finance Office
    Academic Office to verify and sign according to regulations; Finance Office to proceed with fee verification, settle the accounts and sign.

    4. Staff in-charge of the class
    Give the student a photocopy record of their Deferment application form and clarify with him or her the duration of Deferment.

    5. Finance Office / Academic Office
    Finance Office to report to insurance company within 3 working days and update the information; Academic Office to update SMS system and Deferment records, and archive.*

    6. Academic Office
    Check Deferment documents 2 weeks before the start of every semester and send course resumption notification letters to students whose Deferment duration is due.


    Resuming Students

    Non-Resuming Students
    Finance Office / Registry Office Finance Office / Registry Office
    Finance Office to update payment system, Registry Office give the standard student contract and student sign standard student contract. To follow withdrawal procedure, Finance Office to update internal documents, Registry Office to update database system.

    8. Staff

    Collect course fees and miscellaneous fees according to the resuming class and purchase FPS insurance.

    *Note: Registry Office to surrender student pass to ICA for cancellation (if applicable).

Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
CPE Reg. No.:201201406K
Registration Validity Period: 04-03-2023 to 03-03-2027

Terms of Use Privacy Policy

Cert No.:EDU-2-2055
Validity Period:
23-05-2022 to 22-05-2026
ADD: 640 Lorong 4 Toa Payoh Singapore 319522
TEL: +65-6250 3088 FAX: +65-6356 9901
Last modified on 06-Aug-2024