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  Advanced Diploma in Traditional Chinese Medicine (Chinese)

(a) Course hours and synopses
(b) Course fees

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Advanced Diploma in Traditional Chinese Medicine (Chinese) 7 years Part Time

Course Objectives:
The purpose of this course is to nurture students to become TCM professionals who are equipped with medical ethics and skills. This course includes TCM theoretical and clinical modules. Upon completion of this course, graduates will be awarded with Advanced Diploma in Traditional Chinese Medicine conferred by Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. They can also apply for the Singapore TCM-Physicians Registration Examination (STRE) organised by the Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board (TCMPB). Candidates who pass the examination will then be eligible as registered TCM practitioners.

Prerequisite of the course

    • Singapore Cambridge GCE “A” Level (At least two passes in subjects at H2 level and two passes in subjects at H1 level) or equivalent or higher
    • Language requirement: Singapore Cambridge “O” level Chinese subject pass or equivalent or higher.

Qualification Certificate:
Upon successful completion of the required credits: passes in all required theoretical subjects, clinical practice and the graduation exam, and verification by exam board and the review of the graduation exam, graduates will be awarded the following certificate:

    • Advanced Diploma in Traditional Chinese Medicine (CHINESE)- confer by Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Medium of Instruction:Chinese

(a) Course hours and synopses

Theory Lesson理论课

No. Subject Course hours
1 中医基础理论 Basic Theories of TCM 120
2 中医诊断学 Diagnostics of TCM 120
3 中药学 The Chinese Materia Medica 140
4 方剂学 TCM Formulary 140
5 内经学Emperor's Canon of Medicine 120
6 伤寒论Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Diseases 120
7 金匮要略 Synopsis of Golden Chamber 100
8 温病学Seasonal Febrile Diseases 100
9 中医内科学 TCM Internal Medicine 240
10 中医外科学 TCM External Medicine 120
11 中医儿科学 TCM Paediatrics 80
12 中医妇科学 TCM Gynaecology 80
13 中医骨伤科学 TCM Orthopaedics 60
14 中医眼科学 TCM Ophthalmology 40
15 中医耳鼻咽喉科学 TCM Otorhinolaryngology 60
16 中医老年病学 TCM Geriatrics 40
17 针灸学 Accupuncture and Moxibustion 240
18 推拿学(含推拿手法学) Tuina(including tuina techniques) 120
19 医古文 Ancient TCM Studies 80
20 中国医学史 History of TCM Studies 40
21 中医各家学说 Schools of Talk in Chinese Medicines 60
22 中医病案学 TCM Medical Records 60
23 中医文献学 TCM Literature 20
24 中医养生/康复学(选修) TCM Rehabilitation (Elective) 40
25 中医营养/食疗学(选修) TCM Nutrition and Dietetics (Elective) 40
26 实用中药技术(包含鉴定、药剂、炮制)(选修) Herbal Medicines Identification and Herba Medicines Preparation(Elective) 120
27 正常人体解剖学 Normal Human Anatomy 100
28 生理学 Physiology 100
29 生物化学 Biochemistry 40
30 微生物学与免疫学Microbiology and Immunology 40
31 病理学 Pathology 60
32 药理学 Pharmacology 60
33 西医内科学及诊断学基础 Western Internal Medicine & Basis of Diagnostics 100
34 急救医学 Emergency Medicine 40
35 预防医学 Preventive Medicine 30
36 医学心理学(选修) Medical Psychology (Elective) 30
  TOTAL: 3100

Clinical Practice    临床课  

Term Course hours Clinical subjects
1 Year 2nd Term 60 中医诊断学 Diagnostics of TCM
2 Year 1st Term 60 中药学The Chinese Materia Medica
2 Year 2nd Term 120 针灸学基础Basis of Accupuncture and Moxibustion
3 Year 1st Term 120 针灸学临床(见习)Clinical for Accupuncture and Moxibustion(probation)
3 Year 2nd Term 120

针灸学临床、临床学科(见习)Clinical for Accupuncture and Moxibustion, Clinical (probation)

4 Year 1st Term 120 临床学科(见习) Clinical (probation)
4 Year 2nd Term 180 临床学科(实习) Clinical (Practice)
5 Year 1st Term 180 临床学科(实习) Clinical (Practice)
5 Year 2nd Term 180 临床学科(实习) Clinical (Practice)
6 Year 1st Term 180 临床学科(实习) Clinical (Practice)
6 Year 2nd Term 180 临床学科(实习) Clinical (Practice)
7 Year 1st Term 240 临床学科(实习) Clinical (Practice)
7 Year 2nd Term 180 临床学科(实习) Clinical (Practice)
TOTAL: 1900  

(b) Course fees

(4 Installments per year for 7 years)
分期付款7年 - 每年4次
Total Payable (with GST, if any)

Course Fee(Singapore Citizen) 学费(新加坡公民)

Course Fee(Singapore Permanent Resident) 学费(新加坡永久居民) 55,393.80

Course Fee(Others) 学费(其他有效准证持有者)


Registration Fee注册费


General & Admin Fee 行政管理费

Miscellaneous Fees refer to any optional fees which the students pay only when applicable. Such fees are normally collected by the PEI when the need arises.
Total Payable (with GST, if any)
1 Enrolment Fee for non student pass (non refundable) 报名费 (非学生证申请者)(不退还) 54.50
2 Penalty for Late Payment of Course Fee / Graduation Exam Fee 迟交费(课程费和毕业考试费) 54.50
3 Replacement of Student ID Card/Clinical Practice White Card Fee 学生卡/临床实习白卡费(遗失补发) 21.80
4 Deferred Exam Fee (Per Paper) 缓考费 (每卷) 54.50
5 Supplementary Exam Fee (Per Paper) 补考费 (每卷) 54.50
6 Review Exam Marks Fee (Per Paper) 复核考试成绩费(每卷) 54.50
7 Repeated Course Fee (Per Course Hour) 重修费(每学时) 5.45
8 Deferment Fee 休学费 109.00
9 Clinical Practice Processing Fee at Foreign University 临床实习 / 浸濡行政费 (外国院校) 54.50
10 Sit-In Fee for existing student (Per Course Hour) 旁听费 - 在籍学员 ( 每学时) 10.90
11 Administrative Fee for Subject and Exam Waiver (Per Subject) 免修免考行政费(每科) 54.50
12 Administrative Fee for Transfer Course 转读课程行政费 2,180.00
13 Top-up Course Fee for Transfer Course 转读课程行政费(学费差额补交) -
14 Graduation Exam Fee (All Subject - Inclusive of Mock Graduation Exam) 毕业考试费 (全科 - 包括毕业模拟考试) 436.00
15 Deferred/Supplementary for Graduation Written Exam Fee (Per Paper-Ethical Code and Guidelines) 毕业考试费 (缓考/补考-笔试每卷- 道德准则及指导原则) 21.80
16 Deferred/Supplementary for Graduation Written Exam Fee (Per Paper) 毕业考试费 (缓考/补考 - 笔试每卷) 109.00
17 Deferred/Supplementary for Graduation Oral Exam Fee (Per Paper) 毕业考试费 (缓考/补考 - 面试每卷) 163.50
18 Course Book Fee (per book) 课本费(每本) 5.00 - 60.00
19 Library Membership Fee 图书馆会员费 21.80
20 Supplementary Clinical Practice Fee (per lesson) 临床实习费(补课 - 每次) 21.80
21 Application Fee for Additional Clinical Practice (per lesson) 临床实习申请费(额外 - 每次) 10.90
22 Medical Insurance Fee (per year) 医药保险费 (每年) (to be determined by insurance company) -
23 White Coat Fee 白袍费 20-40

For students who did not graduate within the course period (for reference only)

Total Payable (with GST, if any)

Repeat Graduation Exam Fee (Paper - Composition of TCM Formula) 毕业考试重考费一 ( 方剂组成)


Repeat Graduation Exam Fee (Paper 1 to 2) 毕业考试重考费二 (卷一至卷二)


Repeat Graduation Exam Fee (Paper 3 to 5) 毕业考试重考费三 (卷三至卷五)


Mock Graduation Exam Fee (Paper 1 to 2) 毕业模拟考试费 (卷一至卷二)

5 Mock Graduation Exam Fee (Paper 3 to 5) 毕业模拟考试费 (卷三至卷五) 327.00

Deferred/Supplementary for Repeat Graduation Written Exam Fee (Per Paper-Ethical Code and Guidelines)
毕业考试重考-缓考/补考费(笔试-每卷- 道德准则及指导原则)


Deferred/Supplementary for Repeat Graduation Written Exam Fee (Per Paper)


Deferred/Supplementary for Repeat Graduation Oral Exam Fee (Per Paper)

GST is subjected to change at prevailing rate set by government 消费税按政府规定的税率收取
We accept payment methods as below
Pay Now (UEN:201201406K)
Internet Banking (A/C:DBS 0050159857)
GIRO NETS Cash Cheque

Singapore College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
CPE Reg. No.:201201406K
Registration Validity Period: 04-03-2023 to 03-03-2027

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Cert No.:EDU-2-2055
Validity Period:
23-05-2022 to 22-05-2026
ADD: 640 Lorong 4 Toa Payoh Singapore 319522
TEL: +65-6250 3088 FAX: +65-6356 9901
Last modified on 06-Aug-2024